Edward J. Schreiber, EdM, MSM, MAC, LADC, TEP Director [Contact]
Edward Schreiber is co-editor of The Quintessential Zerka, a collection of Zerka Moreno’s writings, and editor of To Dream Again: Zerka Moreno Memoirs. Ed is an adjunct faculty member at Lesley University, an activist, and a master addiction counselor with a specialty in the treatment of trauma. He is the editor of the chapter on Psychodrama, Sociometry, Group Psychotherapy and Sociatry in Kaplan and Sadock’s Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry, 9th Edition. Ed is the recipient of a number of awards from the American Society of Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama. Among these awards: The David Kipper Scholar Award, The Collaborator’s Award, The Zerka T. Moreno Award, and he is recognized as a Fellow in the ASGPP. Ed has spent many years working to help people expand and live more fully, even in the face of cancer, HIV, and other challenges facing humanity. He notes that in the work of Moreno he has found the synthesis of politics, spirituality, the transformation of groups, individuals, and society that is truly evolutionary-awakening. Ed is a long time student of Zen and has taken a Zen approach to the work of Moreno. In doing so, he has stripped Moreno’s ideas to their essence. In that essence he has discovered CODES-FORMULAS Moreno embedded into his work, to awaken individuals and groups to the evolutionary impulse of creation, the spark of the divine within each of us. The CODES-FORMULAS are the essence of Moreno’s work, which Moreno called “sociatry – the healing individual lives and humanity as a whole. This is Ed’s work
“Ed is particularly gifted in the method that my husband J.L. Moreno and I developed.” — Zerka Moreno